The best crypto wallet — Tangem Wallet

Tangem Wallet is a hardware wallet designed for securely storing cryptocurrencies. It emphasizes security and ease of use, making it a notable option for both newcomers and experienced users in the crypto space. Here are some key features and benefits that might support the claim that Tangem Wallet is one of the best crypto wallets:

Key Features:

  1. Security:
    • EAL6+ Certification: Tangem Wallet is certified with one of the highest levels of security (EAL6+), ensuring that the private keys are generated and stored in a secure environment.
    • Tamper-Proof: The hardware design is tamper-evident, meaning any physical tampering will be evident, safeguarding the user’s assets.
  2. Ease of Use:
    • Card-Based Form Factor: The wallet is designed like a credit card, making it highly portable and familiar in form.
    • NFC Compatibility: It uses NFC (Near Field Communication) to interact with smartphones, making it simple to use without the need for cables or a computer.
  3. Offline Operation:
    • No Internet Connection Required: The wallet operates offline, reducing the risk of remote hacking attempts.
  4. Multi-Currency Support:
    • Wide Range of Supported Cryptocurrencies: It supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others, offering flexibility for users with diverse portfolios.
  5. Backup and Recovery:
    • Multiple Cards for Backup: Users can create backup copies of their wallets using additional Tangem cards, ensuring that their funds can be recovered if a card is lost or damaged.
  6. Open Source:
    • Transparency: The firmware and related software are open-source, allowing the community to audit and verify the security of the wallet.



While the best crypto wallet depends on individual needs and preferences, Tangem Wallet stands out due to its high-security standards, user-friendly design, and innovative approach to hardware wallet technology. Its combination of top-notch security features, ease of use, and support for multiple cryptocurrencies make it a strong contender in the crypto wallet market.